Because one of the most fundamental goals of Trinity Youth Conference is to develop and support Christian leaders, our Planning Team is made up of youth participants who do the primary work of selecting a theme, designing workshops, and inviting adult staff to serve. This Youth Planning Team is supported by an Adult Planning Team, whose primary responsibilities are to make the dreams of the youth a reality and to encourage the youth to consider some big picture changes and transformations within the community. The Planning Team meets at least once each year at a retreat for planning and also convenes virtual meetings.
The 2024 Planning Team met in early January to select and recruit the adult leadership, develop the theme for 2024 (In God's Hands), choose the workshop topics, and plan camp activities.
To become a member of the youth Planning Team, campers complete an application and/or request an in-person interview with members of the Adult Planning Team. The Adult Planning Team invites the youth to serve on the Planning Team. Youth can elect to serve a one or two year term. At the end of each year, the Adult Planning Team conducts a review to celebrate the accomplishments of the youth and set goals for the following year.
The members of the TYC 2024 Planning Team are as follows:
Class of 2024
Rachael Ammon
Ian McCall
Bre/Jake Wolf
Class of 2025
Shayla Esquivel
Josh Harmon
Hermione Treese
Adult Members
Lindsay Fraser (2024)
*Jessica Kontostathis (2025)
Rebekah Little (2028)
Rev. Mitchell Miller (2026)
*Del Treese (2027)
* Denotes Planning Team Co-Chairperson |
To become a member of Adult Planning Team, adults who have either served as staff or participated as campers can fill out an application. Applications are accepted in August through September every year. Adults serve various terms up to five (5) years. |

- TYC 2024: July 14th - 20th