Organized in 2006, Friends of Trinity Youth Conference is a 501(c)(3) Pennsylvania Non-Profit Corporation that exists to support the ministry of the Trinity Youth Conference (TYC). The corporation’s purpose is to solicit technical and staff volunteers and funds to support, maintain, and expand TYC’s ministry to high school and college age youths. The funds and other resources obtained through the activities of the Corporation are used to provide direct financial support, publicity, logistics, and other resource needs of TYC. Friends of TYC assumed full financial and operational control of TYC from the Synod of the Trinity (Synod) in 2011, after it elected to cut financial support of its several longstanding Mission Networks.
Since its inception, Friends of TYC has been instrumental in providing for the financial and material needs of TYC even as the support the conference once enjoyed from the Synod of the Trinity waned and eventually altogether disappeared. Friends of TYC now provides for the insurance needs of TYC through its general liability policy. It has also purchased two canopies, which are used for workshop/small group (H.T.) meeting space. A good deal of the money taken-in by Friends of TYC has been awarded to TYC participants as “camperships.”
Friends of TYC needs your support as it works to sustain and grow the ministry of TYC. Please click here to find out what you can do to help. To make a tax-deductible donation, click here.

- TYC 2024: July 14th - 20th